Case Study: Parker Castle

Parker Castle are experienced financial advisors from Essex, who had already made the switch to an internet-based telephone system. However, they were suffering from drop-outs in service, poor call quality, and a lack of support. In addition, Parker Castle were keen to get more out of their telecoms system in order to benefit the service they provided. Here’s how Wayv were able to help….

Following a site visit and as a result of Wayv’s extensive broadband coverage across the country, we were able to offer Parker Castle an upgrade their business broadband services from an ADSL connection to the latest Superfast Fibre service to the Premises – something which was not available from their previous supplier, or other potential suppliers that had visited them.

To help Parker Castle benefit from this right away, Wayv were able to help Parker Castle settle their existing telecoms and broadband agreement, in addition to saving Parker Castle over £2,000 across the term of their agreement.

The transition to Wayv was seamless. Wayv handled the switch of lines, and the fibre cable was installed into the building with no disruption. The new LG telephone system followed shortly, eliminating all call dropouts, loss of service and as a result the ability to provide a better quality of service to its customers.

Now, the new LG phone system is integrated to the computer system, allowing Parker Castle to see caller-ID on their computer screens and the ability to click to dial, significantly speeding up all call activity, and allowing them to manage calls more effectively, saving time and prviding better customer service.

“We were extremely pleased with the installation of the new system setup without interrupting our normal work processes.

The added facilities within the system which now links into our client management system allows us to dial clients with a simple click onto the computer screen.

The address book facility which again is held in the computer system is excellent and avoids the need to use paper lists of telephone numbers of our main contacts. I am sure there are many other facilities within the LG telephone system which we are not using currently, but it is definitely a major improvement on our old system.

We would have no hesitation in recommending this company.” Says Parker Castle

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