
What are the Advantages of Hot Desking?

In a traditional office model, you will be in your assigned seat, on-site, from 9-5 every weekday. With the boom in technology, and the massive surge in remote working that resulted from coronavirus, this model…

What Is Computer Integration?

Computer integration integrates your business phone systems by allowing employees to complete all phone-related tasks through your computer, in one place, with ease. Businesses can achieve enhanced productivity, improved communication, and streamlined workflows by seamlessly…

Why Businesses Need Call Recording

Call recording is now a fundamental feature of business phone systems; it ensures business protection and improved performance.  Wayv’s system will record all of your inbound and outbound calls, securing them safely in our online…
Neurodiversity in the Workplace - how to be an inclusive employer

Neurodiversity in the Workplace

Diversity consultant Susan Woods, Henderson Woods, explains, "Diversity of thought is fundamental to understanding the power of diversity and inclusion. It’s what creates learning, stimulates the possibility of innovation and actively demonstrates respect."    Definition …

Better Bandwidth, Better Business Outcomes

In the ever-changing digital world, businesses must be able to keep up to be able to thrive in the market. The demand for seamless communication, real-time data transfer, and cloud-based applications has become the norm;…

7 Tips to Beat Workplace Stress and Boost Wellbeing

We all know that work can sometimes be stressful. The deadlines, the pressure, and the endless to-do lists can really take a toll on our mental and physical health. According to Statistica, the most common…

Top Tips for World Backup Day

Today is World Backup Day, and we want to take this opportunity to remind you about the importance of backing up your business data. As a telecoms company, we understand how critical data is for…
How SMEs can do more with less

How SMEs Can Do More with Less

As a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) owner, you likely have limited resources compared to larger businesses. But that doesn't mean you can't be successful. With the right strategies, you can maximize your resources and…

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